How to become a Successful Blogger

Successful Blogging

It is very easy to start a blog but running a successful blog is what makes a blogger stand out among other bloggers. Some bloggers today make the mistake of running a blog without guidelines/principles and at the end become frustrated. I'm going to share some of the basic principles every blogger must abide by to run a successful blog.

Don't start a blog because of money

A lot of bloggers make this mistake. They rush into blogging with the aim of making money because they see other bloggers making money.

Yes, you can make money from your Blog but that should only be an additional factor and not your reason for blogging. There are different means to earn from a blog. The most common one is Google Adsense and it takes up to 2 months (or more) to reach the $100 threshold before you can cash out. You'll also need traffic to get users to click on your ads and users will only click on ads they are interested in except you try to play a trick by generating clicks with the use of bots and if caught you automatically get banned from Adsense including losing your already generated income.

Blogging is not a 'get-rich-quick' scheme. It takes some time before you can start earning from your blog so if you're thinking of starting a blog to get quick cash, I advise you do a rethink so you won't find it frustrating when things don't work out as planned.

Make your passion your niche

What are you passionate about? What can you do for hours without getting bored? The answer to those questions will determine how successful you'll be as a blogger. You don't have to start a Tech blog just because of what people are saying about Tech.

Discover your passion/interest and you'll know what to blog on. You can combine two or more niche, what's important is that you love the niche you're blogging on.

Make your post unique

How do you write your post? Do you write them yourself or you just copy and paste? Most bloggers are guilty of this for sure especially entertainment bloggers. If copy and paste makes a blog unique then anyone can become a successful blogger.

It is certain that I'm not the first to write a post on this topic. If you do a Google search, you'll find lots of posts similar to this but what makes my post unique is that I write based on what I've learnt and what I understand. In other words, it carries my voice.

To make your post unique; first, do a research on the topic you want to write on to get more information and then write your own post without using the exact words on the research. Add your own ideas, your own voice and experience.

Have your readers in mind

While you blog on what you're passionate about, you should also have your audience in mind. The reason you're a blogger is not to write solely for yourself but to show others what you can offer to meet their needs.

Don't forget you can only keep your audience by meeting their needs that's why you should not just focus on what you love. Reach out to your audience, find out their needs and provide the solution. They will be willing to pay you if you can provide solution to their needs.

Share your Posts

It's not enough to keep Writing and hitting the publish button. You have to tell people about your posts, in fact, blogging is little of writing and more of sharing and that's where the 80/20 rule comes in. Writing an article is 20% work done and sharing your posts is 80% work done.

Add social share buttons to your blog so your posts can be easily shared both by you and your readers. Shareaholic, Sumo, etc are great tools for adding social share buttons to your blog.
How to become a Successful Blogger How to become a Successful Blogger Reviewed by Jude Kadiri on June 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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