How to control your TV, AC, DVD and Projector with an Android Phone

How to use your Android phone as a remote control

There are more than 107 Million Android Users, but only a few of these users are aware of the additional features that comes with an Android phone. Apart from making phone calls and using a few social media apps like WhatsApp and Facebook, there are lots of other things that can be done with an android phone, one of which is using your smartphone as a remote.

This will only work on your android device if it is infrared compatible. Most compatible smartphones usually have the infrared receptor at the top end of the phone close to the earphone jackpot. Phones like Samsung, LG, and hTC have an infrared receptor. There are others also.

First, you'll need to download a remote app (skip this step if you already have a remote app on your phone). There are lots of remote apps on Google Play Store but I’ll be making a review on just three different remote apps: Peel remote, Universal TV remote and QRemote.

Peel Remote

Follow these steos:

  • Download the app from Play Store and open it
  • Select the device you want and wait for it to load
  • For TV remote, select the brand of your TV and configure

Universal TV Remote

Follow these steps:

  • Download Universal remote app from Google Play Store and launch
  • Select TV Brand
  • Configure and start using your Remote

Note that if your device is not infrared compactible, you will get an error message


Follow these steps:

  • Download the app from Google Play Store
  • Launch the app and tap the + icon to add a remote
  • On the next page you will see a list of devices (TV, AC, Blu Ray, etc), select the type of device you want a remote for. In this case I'm using TV remote
  • Select your TV manufacturer. I’m using LG TV so I’ll select LG
  • Configure your remote to work wit your TV and save

You have successfully configured your TV remote with your smartphone. You can configure as many TV as you want, just tap on the + icon.

How to control your TV, AC, DVD and Projector with an Android Phone How to control your TV, AC, DVD and Projector with an Android Phone Reviewed by Jude Kadiri on February 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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